Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Infinite Computers Ltd. - Latest News

Financial Results & Auditors Report for March 31, 2013
Link: Click Here

Board recommends Final Dividend
Link: Click Here

Press Release
Link: Click Here

Infinite Computers Enters The Elite List of Respected Software Companies, To Receive Coveted
Link: Click Here

Q4 traditionally weak quarter, Q3 strong
Link: Click here

My Views:
If we just look at the standalone numbers for this quarter, it has been disappointing compared to last quarter i.e. Q3-FY13. But as per the management, "Q3 has always been a very strong quarter, and Q4 has been a weak one for the company."
If we agree with them and go back and compare the numbers with same quarter last year, then one can get a sigh of relief that still there has been a significant growth YoY.
Revenues has grown by 23% and net profit has grown by a staggering 125%, which is not bad.
The company has a record of paying good dividend to its investors, which is another good sign.
Another important point is that, promoters were on a buying spree when the stock was around 150-160 levels, and they haven't sold a single share yet.
Current Market trend is negative for this script, hence it might see lower levels, but its looking good for long term.


  1. Money Matters Financial Services Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on May 30, 2013, inter alia, to consider and take on record the Audited Financial Results of the Company for the last quarter and year ended on March 31, 2013 and recommend dividend, if any, for the Financial Year 2012- 2013.

  2. Fixes Book Closure for Dividend & AGM:
    Ajanta Pharma Ltd has informed BSE that the Register of Members & Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from July 22, 2013 to July 26, 2013 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of Payment of Dividend & Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company to be held on July 26, 2013.
    Further the Company has informed that the date of payment of dividend on equity shares would be on or after July 26, 2013, subject to approval of the shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

    Change in Directorate:
    Ajanta Pharma Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Rajesh M. Agrawal and Mr. K H Viswanathan have been appointed as Additional Directors w.e.f. April 30, 2013.
    Further, Mr. Rajesh M. Agrawal is appointed as Joint Managing Director effective from May 01, 2013 subject to the approval of shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.

  3. Thangamayil - Opening of New Branch at Sankarankovil - Thirunelveli District

    Thangamayil Jewellery Ltd has informed BSE that the Company is opening its 29th branch at Sankarankovil on May 27, 2013
    between 09.15 am and 10.25 am Admeasuring 1040 sqft.

  4. Board to consider Buy-Back of Equity Shares:
    Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on June 05, 2013, to consider a proposal for buy-back of equity shares upto such amount of the aggregate of Company’s paid up equity share capital and free reserves as the Board may decide in accordance with the provisions of Sections 77A, 77AA and 77B of the Companies Act 1956 and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy Back of Securities) Regulations, 1998.

  5. Buy back proposed on Infinite Computers !!!! Board Meeting slated for 5th June !!!!

  6. I think that was quite obvious, as one can see that there were buying heavily around 150-160 levels towards Nov-Dec last year.
    If the fundamentals of the company haven't changed much, then current price should be steal deal for them to acquire as much as possible.
    It will be interesting to see, how much they will acquire, as they are just 7.5% short of 75 which is the maximum allowed limit for Promoters.
    What do you think?

  7. It will not be promoters' buying !!! Most probably it will be buy-back by the Company. Thus reducing the capital which becomes EPS accretive for remaining shareholders e.g.FDC, RIL, etc.

  8. http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/margins-will-dropbusiness-will-grow-infinite-comp-sol_884175.html

  9. Buy-back to start from tomorrow the 20th June 2013 ! This should give stability to share price ! Hopefully it should start trading above 85 on constant basis !!!

  10. Yes, the stock should trade atleast in the range of 85-100 in coming days....
    But the disappointing thing about this buyback was the maximum price which was restricted to 120 Rs per share....
    If the buyback continues for 6-9 months, then stock should not go above that levels, unless we have stupendous quarterly performance by the company....
    Lets see and hope for the best....

  11. Can you please check up as to how many shares have been bought-back yesterday?

  12. The information regarding the same does not seem to be available online....
    And I also wasn't active on markets for past 2 days.... so difficult to get that info from my side..
